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Tonton the Sassy & Other News

I have been completely lax about this blog business. I meant to be very organized with consistent weekly blogs about specific subjects, but I apologize in advance for what might be a very very random blog post.

One of the most exciting happenings within the last few weeks is that I have finally found myself a suitable bike so that I no longer have to walk at least 45 minutes anywhere I decide to go. When it takes you half the time it used to when you go to class, you almost forget what it was like to own a car and driver everywhere. I am actually *gasp* thinking about buying a bike whenever I return home. My friend Zach bestowed the name “Tonton the Sassy” onto my bike and sassy it has been (he’s sassy because he’s purple and pink).

Tonton the Sassy at his finest

Tonton the Sassy at his finest

Evidently naming your bike isn’t that uncommon here in Finland because my student tutor, Helmi, named her bike Rhino, which I find very fitting. If you would like to know the origin of my name please Google “Taun taun + Star Wars” and look at the images. Can you see the resemblance?

Even people at the Museum of Central Finland will know my bike's name

Even people at the Museum of Central Finland will know my bike’s name

Every Friday several museums and other places have free admission and we’ve been taking advantage of this for sure. A couple weeks ago, Ondrej, Zach, Andy, and I visited the Museum of Central Finland which is right by the campus. Naturally we spent most of our time at this one table full of old toys and such (we’re so grown up).

Andy, Ondrej, & Zach

Andy, Ondrej, & Zach

The museum had some interesting displays (other than the toys) as well as some creepy wax figures that always seem to scare me. It was much bigger than the Alvar Aalto museum and had several floors spanning of different eras in Finland. We also went to the tower overlooking the city again, but this time it was light out. I think I could go to the tower at least once a month.

Overlooking the city in daylight

Overlooking the city in daylight

Everything is always so pretty and white…except for, last week. Last week was unusually warm. It varied from 30-36 degrees all week, but mostly sticking to an even 34 degrees Fahrenheit. Some would think it would be a nice change from 10-20 degree weather, but I should tell you, it is deceiving. When the temperature goes above freezing here it is a disaster. The lovely crunchy snow packed to the sidewalks turns to slush and ice. This brings up the dirt/mud and makes everything brown and ugly. When it snows it lands in big wet gobs in your eyes and all over your clothing. Your bike tires spin out and slide every hundred feet when going across a manhole where the melted snow and ice seem to collect. You are wet, annoyed, and angry. Every Finnish person walking by gives you funny looks as you slide around yelling in English at your bike and the wet snow under it. I have never before in my life thought that I would say “I wish it would get colder”, but now I understand. It is such a relief to be in 18-22 degree weather. This must be the perfect temperature.

Within the last 2 weeks I have made Finnish pancakes (pannukakku) and Finnish pulla (basically cinnamon rolls). I made Finnish pancakes with my flatmates Ulli and Mentxu, and Finnish pulla with Ulli, Alex, Celina, and Svenja.

Mentxu, me, and Ulli with our Finnish pancakes we baked in the oven

Mentxu, me, and Ulli with our Finnish pancakes we baked in the oven

Finnish Pulla!

Finnish Pulla!

This past weekend I went to the Panda Chocolate Factory with a big group of exchange students who all decided they wanted to go. Although we didn’t see any oompa loompas, we did see a lot of Pandas (sadly not real). We saw the outlet store, tried all the samples of chocolate and other candies, and bought panda keychains, gummies, chocolates, and anything else we could find.

The big group of us outside of Panda

The big group of us outside of Panda

You would think I would be keeping really busy here in Finland, and I guess I do feel busy, but I still feel this lag of time and this open space that I feel needs to be filled with productivity. However, I believe the last few weeks have been the most unproductive of my life when it comes to school. The classes here are set up so much differently and it gives you even more of an opportunity to procrastinate because EVERYTHING is due at the end of the semester (mostly). It is a lot different not having a job here as well. I don’t think I have gone this long without working since I was 15 years old. This fact surprises a lot of people here in Finland. Is this an American thing? Or does it apply to other cultures as well and is only foreign to people in Finland?

Me with Panda

Me with Panda

I have officially been living in Finland for over a month now and it has flown by crazy fast. It seems like I just arrived, and at the same time it feels like I’ve been here for ages. There are moments when I feel very out of place and there are moments when I feel like I have lived here for months. Sometimes the language barrier is forgotten because I am around other exchange students so often and so many Finnish people speak English without a problem. Then there are times when I am so unexpectedly reminded that I am definitely not in the States anymore. I find myself really wanting to use Finnish phrases and words so I can at least ask the cashier at Siwa how she is, or wish her a good day. I seem to forget those phrases I learn in those moments, but hopefully I will soon be better. On the other hand, I am afraid to use Finnish because it seems like once I do, even with little words, people automatically assume I speak the language and go off spitting out several sentences in Finnish, leaving me standing bewildered and embarrassed. It’s even more embarrassing when you say…sorry, English, and the person just stops and walks away. The whole thing is definitely an adventure and one that I am enjoying immensely, even with the occasional bad day full of ice, slush, and homesickness. I’m learning to look at things positively and in a new light. I think when I go back home I can even bring this philosophy with me. Adventures can happen in Pittsburg, Kansas too.




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